« The Cube in Turmoil »
height 7.50m x width 6.00m, each vertical panel consists of 10 wooden boards, each measuring 1.50m x 3.00m
This is the moment when painting becomes spatial.
« CUBE EN BOULE » is a play on words that evokes the image of squaring the circle and at the same time makes one think of the expression
« be very angry » or to « be enraged ».
Exhibition of the CUBE EN BOULE possible!
In a museum it would be a unique attraction, showing an overwhelming work. In a Showroom, or a Showroom it would be a way to draw attention to your event. Mail to → info@jeanclaude-bobin.fr
Each side of the 7 painted panels shows protest and revolt in the many facets of human existence:
in art, in love, in politics and in religion. The revolt spreads throughout humanity.
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