The « Cube en Boule »

« The Cube in Turmoil »

height 7.50m x width 6.00m, each vertical panel consists of 10 wooden boards, each measuring 1.50m x 3.00m

This is the moment when painting becomes spatial.

« CUBE EN BOULE » is a play on words that evokes the image of squaring the circle and at the same time makes one think of the expression
« be very angry » or to « be enraged ».

Exhibition of the CUBE EN BOULE possible!

In a museum it would be a unique attraction, showing an overwhelming work. In a Showroom, or a Showroom it would be a way to draw attention to your event. Mail to →

Each side of the 7 painted panels shows protest and revolt in the many facets of human existence:
in art, in love, in politics and in religion. The revolt spreads throughout humanity.

Click on the images to read more:

1. The ceiling shows the revolt against the creation
2. RIDO shows two theatre characters, Harlekin and Colombine, who contest the emotions provoked by the staging
3. LA BULLE evokes fights in religion
4. LYSISTRATA shows the sexual power of women and their contestation
5. BLANC is an unpainted panel, designed for a sponsor's logo
6. DÈCONCERTO shows that the music itself challenges the orchestra
7. BELLUM is the height of protest: war, complete destruction politically and socially leaving art and the artist to disappear
8. The floor evokes the idea of the Big Bang. The ball explodes and splashes rebellion on the walls and ceiling